Saturday, August 6, 2011

Visa Applications

I'm sitting here thinking of how much I miss Wendy at the moment. She lives in the U.S and I'm in England the last time we managed to see each other was back in May. And before that I used up my annual leave to spend 4weeks with Wendy at her apartment. We talk to each other every day either over Skype or on Yahoo as they are both free at the moment. We filed for the K-1 visa on July 15th and we are yet to here from the USCIS. The thing that is bugging me at the moment is the amount of people who are using the K-1 visa just to get in to another country. You know the ones, the ones who say they love you. Then when they get to America they marry you then do a runner. Or the ones who have a visa to work in the U.S and arrange a marriage to stay in America  because they have been released from their contract.
 What ever happened to moving to the end if the earth to be with the one you loved? Admittedly most of the people that do apply for the K-1 are doing it for the right reasons, but there are those few that abuse it which is why it's such a long waiting game. According to sources we are expected to receive acceptance dates of the NOA2 around Nov-Dec time.

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