Thursday, August 11, 2011


Feeling the missing today.  Frustrating that because foreigners want to abuse the marriage process I, an American citizen, have to sit and wait to be with the one I love.  I suppose it is better that I sit and wait than to allow those types of people in.  I deal with so many women who are abused some through immigration or by the immigrant that it definitely is better that immigration weeds those sorts out.  Besides when you have the rest of your lives together, 5 months is not that long.  We have waited to see each other for 5 months before.  It just feels so much longer already. 

So updates.  I found out that there is a law that says you can marry in MO without a ssn but you have to sign an affadavit.  So I called the Clerk in the county we want to marry in and got hassled about looking the law up.  I also found out that as a K1 visa holder there is a law that you can get a social security card that is authorized to work.  The issue with the social security card is most likely I would have to take him to the office, fight with them about it.  Then wait for them to look the law up (they already told me he is not eligible for a social security card) and then get back to us.  Then we would go down to the office, hope the person we talked to was available and put in for the card and then it takes about a week or two or more to get the card.  I think they tell you 6 weeks.  Anyway, this would eat up a huge portion of our 90 day time frame.  Not chancing it. 

Anyway...  feeling down so not going to blog long.  Will spare everyone who reads this from the bluesiness of my mood.

Duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
got the uscis blues
Duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
dunno what to do
Duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
missing my baby
Duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
tired of skype too!!!!!
doo doomp doo doomp
doo doomp doo doomp
Duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
so i try to keep busy
duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
going to work
duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
but it's driving me crazy
duh duh duh duh dum
doo doomp doo doomp
can't quit worrying about my NOA!!!!
dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum!
OW!  Got the blueesssssss the NOA USCIS IMMIGRATION BLUESSSSS!!!!!!

Ok not quite a masterpiece but better than crying.  :)  Monday I can call about the receipt number.

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