Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Emotional Rollercoaster... of love

I totally have the Red Hot Chili Peppers singing Rollercoaster of Love in my head right now.

Anyway, so day by day we both have noticed we have emotional ups and downs.  One day we are totally up and ready to work hard on this whole thing and then next we are nearly despondent and tearful.  Thankfully so far our ups and downs don't match so we can keep the other one positive and cheered up.  I find I dream about John constantly.  It is worse when I am feeling sad or wishing I could have physical contact.

Things I do that help me: I try to spend alot of time researching immigration, planning out our next course of action, identifying problem areas (e.g. we have not spent alot of time or money on planning a wedding since we don't really know when the k1 will be approved or if...  I did show that I researched ways for us to get married without a social security number. We found out through some help though we don't know how old this is but here's the link. First off, a K-1 is eligible for a SSN by law. However, Missouri state law does not require you to produce a SSN if you do not have it. See here: http://law.justia.co...4510000040.html , planned cost of gas, called about cost of marriage license, cost of jp, hours of operation, etc.), I blog about my frustration, exercise when it is not 150F heat index, cry to my friends and family who tolerate me, talk to people on Visa Journey, and finally, I force myself to think of other things when all else fails.

He likes to draw, paint, write me poetry, sculpt, run, research immigration stuff, etc.

We both like to spend time sometimes just fantasizing about what life together will be like.  We also discuss things we worry about (e.g. I have a teenage son that thinks my life should revolve around him.)  We discussed our views of discipline and rules, etc.  We discuss our goals: buying a house, starting an art-related business of some sort, spending summers in England, perhaps immigrating there later on, his daughter spending time with us, travel, time with each other's families, etc.  Sometimes we just talk about nonsense.  We also try to have "date" via Skype or Yahoo.  This is where we go do something and the other participates via phone.  We have watched movies over the internet together.  I have gone for walks with him on the phone.  We go shopping together and have talked about our views on spending money and saving money.  We talk about our weaknesses and strengths re: money.  I go to visit friends and family and he goes along via phone as do I with him when he visits with his family.  We sometimes play games online together but it usually doesn't work very well at least thus far-although this is something I recently got advice on.  We are going to try a new site.

I did have some happy news today.  I think I figured out why I had not received notification as yet and I found an email address to inquire about the matter... so I did!  Additionally, I found out one of my visajourney contacts is here in MO!!!  Yay.  They are alot further in the process than we are so we can get a little info from them.

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